What Is Contemporary Fiction? A Comprehensive Guide for Readers

I used to think I hated contemporary fiction. I liked fantasy; I liked Jane Austen. I did not like “women’s fiction.”

Looking back, it’s because I didn’t really understand what contemporary fiction is. It’s kind of a confusing genre, encompassing vast swathes of books. Nowadays, I’m as big a fan of contemporary fiction as I am in almost every other genre.

Let's start with the basics. What is contemporary fiction, you ask? Simply put, it's fiction that is set in the present day. It's a literary genre that explores current and modern-day themes and issues.

Contemporary fiction can encompass a range of sub-genres, including romance, mystery, science fiction, and more. But what sets it apart from other genres? Let’s find out.

What Sets Contemporary Fiction Apart From Other Genres?

Sometimes it’s helpful to define a genre by comparing it to what it isn’t. Let’s start with some almost-overlapping genres.

Literary fiction: While contemporary fiction can fall under the umbrella of literary fiction, it is not necessarily the same. Literary fiction can be more focused on language and style, whereas contemporary fiction tends to focus more on plot and character development.

Realistic fiction: Some people say these are the same thing, but in my mind there is a distinction. Contemporary fiction can be considered a sub-genre of realistic fiction. But the key difference is the time period. Realistic fiction can happen in the past, while contemporary fiction is more of a modern-day vibe.

Sub-genres: What about other literary sub-genres like mystery or romance? Well, contemporary fiction can overlap with these genres as well. Many contemporary fiction books incorporate elements of mystery and romance into their stories, creating a unique blend of genres.

What truly sets contemporary fiction apart?

It's the focus on the here and now. Contemporary fiction is always set in the present time, dealing with current events, societal issues, and modern technology. It's the genre that captures the essence of the current zeitgeist.

Literary Fiction Realistic Fiction Other Sub-Genres
Focus on language and style Contemporary fiction can be considered a sub-genre Contemporary fiction can overlap with other genres
Less focus on plot and character development Deals with current events, societal issues, and modern technology Can incorporate elements of mystery and romance

So, there you have it. Now you know what sets contemporary fiction apart from other genres. But don't just take my word for it, read some contemporary fiction for yourself and experience the genre firsthand!

The Evolution of Contemporary Fiction Thanks to More Underrepresented Voices

Contemporary fiction is a constantly evolving genre that reflects the changes in our world. As “contemporary” changes, so too does the genre.

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on diversity in contemporary fiction, which is fantastic. Finally, we are moving away from white, straight contemporary fiction.

Authors from marginalized communities have been given a bigger platform to tell their stories, and themes of race, gender, and sexuality have become more prevalent. This has led to a more diverse and inclusive range of voices in contemporary literature, and a greater representation of the world we live in. And it’s a pleasure and delight to read them.

Who Writes Contemporary Fiction?

Contemporary fiction is a vast and diverse genre, with a wide range of authors contributing to its many sub-genres. Let's take a closer look at some of the most popular sub-genres of contemporary fiction and who writes them.

Women's Fiction

It’s a little derogatory; nobody calls Michael Crighton a “men’s fiction” writer. But there’s no better term out there yet, so I’ll use it.

Women's fiction is a sub-genre of contemporary fiction that generally focuses on the experiences of women. Popular authors in this genre include Kristin Hannah, Jodi Picoult, and Liane Moriarty. These authors often tackle themes such as family relationships, love, and womanhood.

Crime Fiction

Crime fiction is another popular sub-genre of contemporary fiction. Authors such as James Patterson, Michael Connelly, and Lee Child are well-known for their crime novels, which often feature detectives, police officers, and other law enforcement figures trying to solve mysteries and catch criminals.

Science Fiction

Science fiction is a genre that explores imaginative and futuristic concepts, often involving advanced science and technology. Popular contemporary science fiction authors include Andy Weir, Margaret Atwood, and Neal Stephenson.

Sci-fi is a weird one, but I think you can successfully classify it into contemporary fiction. Andy Weir’s novels are possibly the best example; he does so much research and uses his physics background to make sure they’re feasible. They haven’t happened yet, but they’re definitely fiction and arguably contemporary.

Other Sub-Genres of Contemporary Fiction

Other sub-genres of contemporary fiction include romance, young adult fiction, and literary fiction. Some well-known authors in these genres include Nicholas Sparks, John Green, and Donna Tartt.

As you can see, there is no shortage of talented authors contributing to the world of contemporary fiction. Whether you prefer science fiction or women's fiction, there is sure to be an author out there who speaks to your interests and passions.

Why Read Contemporary Fiction?

There are as many reasons to read contemporary fiction as there are readers. I read it it both to escape, but also to highlight reflections from my real life.

For example, I’m a queer woman, but I’ve married a man (and I love him and our life together!). I love to read queer contemporary romances to explore a facet of my personality that I wouldn’t want to in real life.

Let's face it, we all need to escape reality sometimes, and there's no better way to do so than by diving into a good book. But why choose contemporary fiction over other genres? Here are a few reasons:

  • It's relevant: Contemporary fiction deals with current issues and topics that are important to our world today. Reading contemporary fiction can help us better understand these issues and encourage us to think critically about them.

  • It's relatable: Contemporary fiction often explores the human experience, and we can see ourselves and our struggles reflected in the characters we read about. This can be both comforting and eye-opening.

  • It's diverse: With a wide range of authors and sub-genres, contemporary fiction offers something for everyone. Whether you're interested in romance, mystery, science fiction, or something else entirely, you're sure to find a book that suits your taste.

  • It expands your worldview: By reading contemporary fiction from a variety of authors, from James Patterson to Casey McQuiston, we can gain new perspectives and broaden our understanding of the world around us. We can learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and experiences, and develop empathy for people who are different from us.

Whether you're looking for an escape, a new perspective, or just a good story, contemporary fiction is definitely worth checking out.

Not convinced yet? I’ll sway you with some recommended contemporary fiction titles in the next section.

How to Choose a Good Contemporary Fiction Book?

Maybe you're ready to dive into the world of contemporary fiction, but you're not sure where to start. Fear not, dear reader. I’ve got some tips to help you choose the perfect book.

1. Read reviews. Don't rely solely on a book's synopsis or cover. Check out what other readers have to say about the book. Goodreads and Amazon are great places to start for reviews. This is the review that convinced me to read Kiss Her Once For Me, a gay holiday romcom.

Pro Tip: Look for reviews by readers who have similar tastes to yours. If they loved it, chances are you will too!

2. Consider the author's reputation. Have they written other books that you enjoyed? Do they have a strong following in the literary world? A well-respected author can be a good indicator of a quality book.

But don't be afraid to branch out and try new authors. Some of the best books come from debut authors or writers who are lesser known.

3. Trust your personal preferences. Do you prefer fast-paced thrillers or slow-burning dramas? Are you drawn to books with diverse characters or stories that explore universal themes? Keep these factors in mind when selecting a book.

Remember, choosing a book is a subjective process. What may be a favorite of one reader, may not resonate with another. Take the time to find what works for you and enjoy the journey.

Popular Contemporary Fiction Titles

Ready to dive into some contemporary fiction? Check out these popular and critically acclaimed titles:

Title Author Description
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine Gail Honeyman Eleanor Oliphant leads a simple life. She wears the same clothes to work every day, eats the same meal deal for lunch every day and buys the same two bottles of vodka to drink every weekend.Eleanor Oliphant is happy. Nothing is missing from her carefully timetabled existence. Except, sometimes, everything...
Normal People Sally Rooney Normal People follows the complex relationship between Marianne and Connell, two Irish teenagers from different social classes. As they move through their twenties, they struggle to connect and communicate with each other, while dealing with their own personal demons.
Such a Fun Age Kiley Reid Such a Fun Age is a thought-provoking examination of race, privilege, and power. When Emira, a young Black woman, is accused of kidnapping the white child she babysits, her employer, Alix, tries to fix the situation but ends up making things worse.

Here’s where you can buy them.*

  • Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine

  • Normal People

  • Such a Fun Age
    *These are affiliate links, which mean I earn a small commission if you end up buying these books at no cost to you!

    These books cover a range of themes and genres within contemporary fiction, from family drama to social commentary to realistic fiction with a hint of romance. No matter what kind of story you're looking for, you're sure to find something compelling on this list.

Where to Find Contemporary Fiction

So, you're interested in reading some contemporary fiction, but you have no idea where to find it. Don't despair, dear reader, for we have some suggestions that will have you knee-deep in pages in no time!


Let's start with the obvious – bookstores. Whether you prefer large chains or quaint independent shops, bookstores are always a great place to start your search for contemporary fiction.

Not only can you browse through a vast selection of books, but you can also get recommendations from knowledgeable staff who are often book lovers themselves. Plus, you get to support local businesses and keep the magic of physical books alive.

Online Retailers

If you prefer shopping from the comfort of your own home, then online retailers such as Bookshop.org is a great ethical alternative to Amazon for finding contemporary fiction. Not only do they have a massive selection of books, but they also offer features such as reviews and recommendations to help you make informed decisions. Plus, Bookshop helps support small, indie bookstores. They’ve donated over $26 million so far!


Don't underestimate the power of your local library when it comes to finding contemporary fiction. Libraries not only have current bestsellers but also often have lesser-known titles that you may not find at a bookstore or online. Plus, borrowing books from the library is a great way to save money while still satisfying your reading cravings. Just make sure to return them on time, or you'll be facing some hefty late fees.

Whichever option you choose, we hope you find the contemporary fiction book of your dreams (or nightmares, if you're into that sort of thing).

Frequently Asked Questions About Contemporary Fiction

Still have some burning questions about contemporation fiction? Let me hit you with some FAQs about this fascinating genre.

Is contemporary fiction the same as literary fiction?

This is an opinion. In my mind, no, they’re not the same although the two genres can overlap. Contemporary fiction is a broad term that encompasses any fictional work set in modern times, while literary fiction is typically more focused on exploring complex themes and characters.

I would argue, for example, that Jane Eyre is literary fiction and not contemporary fiction, though it may have been contemporary when it was published in the late 1800s.

Can contemporary fiction be realistic or does it have to be based on fantasy?

Contemporary fiction can be both realistic and speculative. The genre is defined by its modern setting, rather than any specific themes or subject matter. Take MArgaret Atwood, for instance. The woman knows how to speculate. But it’s still contemporary, because it could happen today.

What is the difference between contemporary fiction and other genres like crime or romance?

The main difference is that contemporary fiction encompasses any fictional work set in modern times, while crime or romance are specific sub-genres that have their own distinct characteristics and tropes. But I believe many sub-genres happily fall into the contemporary fiction main genre. Like Kiss Her Once For Me — it’s 100% a romance novel, but it’s also contemporary fiction.

Is contemporary fiction only written by certain authors or can anyone write it?

Anyone can write contemporary fiction! And there are many exciting new voices emerging in the genre all the time. I encourage you to try new authors! It’s a thrilling time to be a contemporary fiction fan because there are so many new voices and ideas being platformed at the moment.

However, some authors have become associated with specific sub-genres, such as women's fiction or science fiction.

Why should I read contemporary fiction when there are so many classic/fantasy/non-fiction books to choose from?

Reading contemporary fiction can help you stay up-to-date with current cultural trends and spark your imagination with fresh, innovative ideas. Plus, who doesn't love discovering a new favorite author before they become a household name?

How do I know if a contemporary fiction book is worth reading?

Check out reviews from reputable sources, look up the author's previous work, and trust your gut. If a book sounds interesting to you, give it a try! You never know what exciting new worlds you might discover.

Final Thoughts on What Contemporary Fiction Really Is

In short, it’s fiction that could happen int he present day. No magic, no non-fiction, no historical past.

It’s one of my favorite genres thanks to its breadth and depth. I think today’s contemporary fiction scene is the richest yet, and I can’t wait to see what new authors emerge.

Hopefully these answers have helped demystify contemporary fiction for you. Now, go forth and explore all the amazing stories this genre has to offer!


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